Hospice patient/family volunteers responded to personality questionnaires–Trait Anxiety Scale, Internal-External Control Scale, Mehrabian and Epstein Empathy Scale–prior to a training program and to the Winget Questionnaire for Understanding the Dying Patient and His Family and the Bugen Coping with Death Scale before and after the training program. Volunteer Self Evaluation Form. Document to serve as a volunteer feedback and to supply descriptions for improvements or suggestions addressed for the volunteer. Volunteer Program Evaluation Form – This evaluation form will be for assessing the effectiveness of a volunteer program to the. Volunteer Coordinator Evaluation Form – Not only volunteers are to be evaluated in every volunteering program but also their supervisors and coordinators. With a volunteer coordinator evaluation form, the volunteers and the other members of an organization can rate the actions of their higher officials who joined the program with them. Providence Hospice of Seattle Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our tax ID number is. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Volunteers are critical to our work. Providence Hospice of Seattle volunteers serve patients and families throughout King County.

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Preparing To Support End-of-Life Care

Relias’ free online training makes it easier to onboard and train hospice volunteers.


Volunteers are often described as the heart of hospice. Given the investment of time and money to recruit and train volunteers, they are also a strategic asset that, when properly managed, can bring incalculable rewards to your program. Relias offers free volunteer training courses to all hospice clients, allowing Relias customers to provide free hospice-specific training to all volunteers. Your organization and your patients depend on these caring, dedicated individuals. They provide their time and compassion. Provide them with the knowledge to properly work with families and patients.

Free Courses

Download Hospice Volunteer Program Evaluation

These modules include the basics of Hospice Care and mandatory topics such as “HIPAA Training for Hospice Staff and Volunteers.”

Effective Management

Tracking education requirements for hospice volunteers can be difficult. The Relias Learning Management System (LMS) provides an easy way to assign and track education.

Faster Onboarding

All volunteers are tested on the same materials, with pre- and post-tests to confirm retention of information.

Flexible Access

Utilizing our online training allows volunteers to train when they are available.

Utilizing our online training allows volunteers to train when they are available.
Learn the 10 best ways to utilize volunteers in your hospice organization and create a volunteer program that thrives.

Download Hospice Volunteer Program Evaluation Template

“Hospice volunteers are integral to our customers’ success. Relias is pleased to help maximize the benefit of volunteers by defraying the costs and challenges associated with volunteer training.”

Hospice Volunteer Program Ideas